Beyond Inspection

More than autonomous inspection services

AddQual Qualify

Developed to support each stage of the turbine blade manufacturing process and subsequent service life.

Third party inspection & verification services for aerospace / power generation OEM & MRO, also available to medical customers for high-value parts such as joint prostheses.

AddQual can receive components for direct verification, or work with customers to manage and optimise their in-house measurement processes, with remotely acquired data being shared for analysis.

Service summary:

Independent dimensional verification & product qualification:

NADCAP independent inspection using 3D Scanning, CMM and CT metrology

Full FAIR / LAIR (First/Last Article Inspection Report) component verification

Part rework and recovery development

Re-engineering for legacy components to generate:

Usable CAD model and simulation mesh

Engineering drawings

Digital Twin inspection and checking

Data acquisition and management

AddQual Transform

AddQual Transform - developed to use data outputs from AddQual Qualify to produce customisable quality workflows and digital twin models to deliver usable customer data, optimising performance and reducing process complexity. As with AddQual Qualify, inspection and analysis can be undertaken direct or remotely.

Service summary:

Achievement of zero defects

Product Part and Approval Process (PPAP) documentation

Engineering team support

Product audits and capability reviews

Best practice training

Quality workflows

Process mapping

Key process variable identification

Risk minimisation controls

Risk quantification via Process FMEA

Enhanced use of Digital Twin

Key tooling asset care

Component monitoring

Process customisation for productivity optimisation

Inspection & verification services
Trusted data enables Digital Twin
Custom implementation of AddQual Cell
automation and AddQual Dashboard software
Delivers optimum quality at minimum cost
Optimisation of manufacturing and maintenance processes
Delivers increased productivity

AddQual Solution

An integrated system which combines the Qualify and Transform products with AddQual Dashboard software and AddQual Cell hardware to create autonomous customer measurement cells, utilising existing or new metrology. Through partnership and customised support, AddQual Solution enables new levels of quality optimisation and productivity to be delivered at minimum cost.

AddQual Dashboard

Management of trusted data

Customisable reporting and sentencing

Product Data provides visualisation of capability risks

Optimise downstream and forecast upstream processes

AddQual Cell

A customisable hardware solution compatible with existing or new customer metrology systems

Maximises the benefits of AddQual’s product suite using locally acquired inspection data

Delivers inspection automation processes and integration with manufacturing

Additional sensor technologies can be integrated to expand functionality

Service benefits:

Customer process and supply chain support

Zero Defects journey

Digitalize operations

Optimise processes